Google assistant hits the tech world with an update of reading and replying of WhatsApp, Telegram and Slack messages. Google Assistant has always had the ability to read messages off the native messenger application and hangout but it always tends to skip the WhatsApp, Telegram and Slack messengers. Owing to the new update, those days are gone.
Google Assistant will not only help you read from these apps but it will also assist you in replying them. To put this into trial, you can ask Google Assistant to read your messages. If you have not yet granted the application notification access, it will pop up a message. To allow this feature, click on allow and it will begin reading your messages aloud including voicing the name of the application which the text is coming from. you will be given the choice to voice out your reply or type out your reply.
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Another cool update on this new feature is that it can process multiple languages although in a limited capacity. This is quite something if you ask us.
Now you can listen to almost all your messages hands off from your device and still be able to send response to them. There is simply no time to start listing a lot of occasions where this singular new feature can save us from a lot of stress and probably other situations you may find yourself.