Learning SEO – Would you like to learn more about SEO? I mean the key but basic secret that many seo bloggers might forget or intentionally don’t want to tell you.
The truth is that your foundation of seo matters alot and it plays the basic part to what ever seo strategy you might adopt later on, as you continue your search engine optimization story.
If you do not have any idea what SEO is all about, or you feel your Search engine Optimazation knowlege is a bit rusty.
I recommended you take your time to brush through the below article, if you really in tend learning seo.
As you most likely know by now, i have many experience in SEO, which is the reason I mostly love to blog about it now and then.
The truth is i didn’t learn SEO by simply finding out about it.
How I really learnt search engine optimization is by taking actions. Putting every little knowledge i have gathered along the way and implementing.
I will also very much advise you to do the same. Don’t just read and think you know it.
Always apply every little tinnny detail, just a little change can bring you the gold. Trust me!
I’m sure i have a clue about what might be going through your mind at this instance.
Where do i start from,
i know right? All things being equal,
I’ll brief you on how you can start your search engine optimization. i mean implementing seo on your website.
You can start with an SEO tool, it’s actually a website anyway. It’s called Free SEO Report.
All you have to do is simply enter your domain name or website URL as it is popularly kn0wn,
It will give you a report that states exactly what’s going on with your website’s seo and most likey, the most easy way to fix it.
I believe it’s an exceptional tool in starting you off on your SEO adventure.
If you are a small business owner or an enterpreneur, you might most probably be thinking that you don’t really need it.
But believe me SEO can really spike up sales or website traffic. Here’s an article i will greatly recommend to you.
Now let’s head out to how you can use this tool and implement SEO on your website, I will make it as easy as ABC.
How to use Free Seo Report in learning SEO
First and Foremost,
Pick a Keyword and URL
Yes, what does your website talk about? what is the theme of your website?
What word should a person type in any search engine that will bring them to your website.
As soon as you can answer this question without having to brain storm, you are already good to go.
If not, kindly take a minute and re-evaluate what type of website you created,
what’s the purpose of your website? i believe the internet calls this Website Niche.
Alright, i think that is out of the way, Now this is what you should do next.
Sign up on the Free SEO Report website by clicking here. Don’t worry it’s totally free to join.
I know almost everything on the internet today is paid for but this is totally free.
The sign-up process is straightforward. As soon as you’re done registering, simply enter your website URL and the keyword you want to rank for on Google.
Keyword simply means what word or phrase you want people to type on search engine to link them to your website.
When you have successfully done this, just stay back and relax a bit and watch how the website (seo tool) will crawl through your website.
Afterwards this seo tool will also creep and bring up the best ten contenders that is also ranking for a similar keyword you want to rank for.
This takes us to the next step in learning seo
Analyzing your website’s SEO report
Your objective for your website may be to rank number 1 on Google for the best technology blog.
Along the line, you will need to analyze other websites that are currently ranking on the same keyword or catchphrase,
You will need to look into the following SEO components:
Your over all Competitors (Website Niche Rivals)
In the event that you need to rank above all other tech blogs on Google, first you will have to know if you can go against your oppositions.
You have to put into consideration the number of connections (backlinks) your rivals already have and how old their sites are.
One other important fact you need to take into consideration is where they currently rank on Google.
This will tell you whether it’s even possible for you to contend with them or maybe just look for another keyword to analyze.
A few keywords like “money” is a very serious keyword to such an extent that infact they presumably do not merit going after.
As indicated by Free SEO Report, You may have a decent possibility of positioning for a particular keyword.
And if you think, Yes i’m good to go, I have what it takes to combat these websites that are currently ranking on Google.
Then lets dive into the topic proper.
Number 1.
Title tags (learning Seo)
You should already know that anybody who is positioning for any keyword must take their Title Tag as a serious deal.
Utilize the power of your title tag, Free SEO Report will give you suggestions but go over them like a guideline.
- Ensure that your title tag incorporates your keyword. For example, the word you want to rank for should be placed first.let’s say you want to rank for red shoes. Place it first “Red shoes – where to buy? ” (a more noteworthy influence is being given to first keyword at the left side of the title tag)
- A convincing source of expression which is often called Call-to-action will assist you in convincing people to click on your own website link in google search result.
For example “Red shoes- Click here to know more“. - Make your title tag, one of a kind on each page (so that Google Webmaster Tools can easily assist you with recognizing issues with the title tags)
- Stay away from keyword stuffing in your page title. (this simply means adding too many key word in your title tags).
What you should do next is to take these guidelines immediately and make the important changes to your site.
Next thing you should look at is your article headings, it’s another important factor in learning seo.

Looking at the recommendations given by Free SEO Report, I’m sure you are already using headings on your website, but try to utilize them better.
There are different type of headings that detailed article should have and they are H1, H2, H3, and H4 heading.
Now we can move on to,
Body Text (Article Text)
The same way the headings are important, the body text is also important. Try as much as posssible not to commit errors with body text.
I know Keyword density isn’t that significant nowadays,
however, in the event that you need to rank for a particular keyword, you just have to incorporate it in your site anyway.
One thing that you should also investigate is including your keyword inside your body text content.
You don’t really need to do this so much but i recommend an average of 5- 9 times.
Having it a couple of times is superior to none by any means.
Next is,
Website URL
Many of the time, websites often try to put in the whole title tag to their article’s url.
But that shouldn’t be the case, just make sure your keyword is in the url and thats all that matters.
Infact you can even remove all action words from the articles url to make it short and precise.
One recommendation that Free SEO Report also give, is that you shouldn’t utilize unessential characters in your URLs as web search tools greatly hates them.
Onto to the next one,
Robots.txt and sitemaps
Hope you know about these little but essential things.
They definitely influence your site’s search engine ranking by all means.
A great deal of times when you buy a web hosting service, you will have a robots.txt document file also included.
This has the power to hinder your website from being indexed (seen and included) on search engine result pages (SERP).
Notwithstanding that, you also need to ensure that your entire site page are getting recorded (indexed) on search engines.
By making a XML sitemap and submitting it to Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll improve your probability of being positioned on Google.
In the event that you don’t know how to do both of the two things i talked about above,
Don’t stress so much, as Free SEO Report will walk you through them two.
And in no time, you will be learning SEO.
Meta Description tag
Meta Description is another factor you should also put into account.
If you don’t know what this is, it’s simply a description that pops up on search engine result pages under your post title tag.
They simply descibe the content of your article.
Follow this guidelines for your meta Description tags
- create extraordinary meta description for each of your article or page.
- Try to put your keyword closer to the beginning of the meta description.
- A convincing call to action in your meta description will definitely assist you in improving the rate of more clicks to your website. hence bringing more organic traffics to your website.
- Maintain a strategic distance from each keyword placed in your meta description.
- Keep the length of meta description under 160 characters (that is 20 to 25 words in total) just to ensure that your message isn’t shortened in Google SERPs
- Make your meta description not quite the same as page title tags.
Page Load time (learning SEO)
In the event that you use Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll notice that your website’s load time is important to Google.
If your site is very large due to many java script and addons, you might not rank well in search engines.
The good news is that, through the Free SEO Report, you will know exactly how to fix this issue of slow load time.
In addition to this result, you can find other ways to improve your website loading time.
You can also see your rivals issues and try to scale your way up by making the necessary updates to your website to improve your overall rankings that your rivals fail to do.
What’s more, is that you can even send out these reports to your website designer or developer to help fix these issues just incase you are not a tech savvy
Finally, here’s a quick summary of everything we have been talking about in learning seo.
I’ll say the best way to learn SEO is to work on it yourself,
Try to find your way around being a tech geek. You can as well follow my blog posts as i try to simplify every of my articles even for non-techies.
Just start with Free SEO Report. You can simply enter in your URL in the box provided for you along with the keyword/Keyword phrases you want to rank for on search engines.
This will give you enough details to what you can change and fix in order to improve your websites SEO.
I’m sure you’ll rapidly get the hang of how SEO functions eventually, as you roll out the improvements, you’ll notice that your website ranking will increase with time.
When you have understood this piece of information, you can move into other advance SEO strategies.
In conclusion, when you are utilizing Free SEO Report or other SEO tools, don’t anticipate a quick unrealistic improvement,
it will slowly come but eventually i guarantee that you will see results.
Sometimes this might require some investments on your part in the long run before you begin ranking higher in Search Engines,
But ofcourse, one thing is sure. You will need to invest a ton of energy into learning SEO and new strategies along the way.
The Truth remains that the websites that normally rank the highest and the most noteworthy over the long term:
Are the ones with great substance or contents that individuals and search engine loves.
Thus, don’t attempt to rank a crappy webpage in search engine when you are in the best and ideal position in putting that time into building a superior site in the first place.
This is me signing out here, Good luck and cheers to your website ranking.
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