Cheapest Subscription For Android IOS & PC Users In October

Victor Ijomah

Hello friend, welcome to a new month and and with a new month comes another series of my reviews on the cheapest data subscription for Android, iOS and PC users in Nigeria.

If you have been following my articles for quite some time now, you should already be quite familiar with my cheap data plan series which i post every month.


Cheapest Data Subscription in Nigeria

With out wasting much of your time, let’s go straight to the reason you are here, I’ll be starting with the Giant telecommunications company in Nigeria.

Cheapest MTN Data Subscription

mtn cheap susbscription nigeriaThere’s a new update concerning the eligibility for N200 to get 1GB on MTN which i explained in my last month’s cheap internet subscription.

It seems like you will only be allowed once in a week and then you will exceed your subscription limit.
From my point of view, i think this has been done to discourage people from benefiting from this cheap data bundle


Anyway, I’m always here to give you a way out from any restriction they may come up with.

Just follow the simple guideline below.

How to be Eligible for MTN 1GB for N200

The simple trick to be eligible for this data subscription is to have more than one MTN sim card. If you want to give it a trial without checking if you are eligible(who knows, you might just be lucky).

Click on the link below.

  • Now purchase more than one MTN sim card and leave your current SIM for about 3 to 4 weeks.
  • You can make calls and send SMS for this period.
  • You will automatically be eligible to make use of this data subscription once again.
  • Now, dial *131*65*2# to activate the plan.
  • You can be interchanging your sim cards but also follow this procedure again.

This Trick has been working for as long as i can remember. Just make sure to have more than one MTN SIM.

Get MTN 4GB for N500

Is there something very large you want to download? Then the MTN N500 to get 4GB is your best option.

The MTN 4GB is only available for new SIM cards, Please note that if you give it a trial with an Old MTN SIM, you’ll only get 2GB.

How to get MTN 4GB for N500

  • simply Dial *131*1*1*5# and you will be given 2GB plus an extra 2GB which makes it a total of 4GB.

Glo Cheapest Subscription in Nigeria

Glo cheap subscription weekend data Plan nigeriaThe Grand Master of Data is always my best choice anytime any day.

If you are a Glo user, Glo Yakata is the best tariff to find yourself because of the huge amount of data and airtime it normally comes with.

If you make a recharge of N2,500 for your phone alone, they will reward you with up to N8,000 free airtime to make calls even to users of other network and you will still get 14GB of data and other bonuses which are really mind blowing.

How to Subscribe for the Massive Glo Data

I have discovered that only the new GLO sim card has the GLO Yakata tariff as a default plan.

Although you might still get amazing data bundles on other GLO Tariff but not as ridiculous as the Yakata Tariff , so kindly get a new 4G GLO (the white sim to be specific).

  • Recharge your 4G GLO Sim with the amount you wish to subscribe.
  • Dial *777# to start your data plan purchase and simply follow the command prompt to purchase the data bundle of your choice .

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AIRTEL Cheapest Data Plan Subscription

Airtel cheapest data subscriptionI’m not really a fan of AIRTEL, after they reduced their night plan to almost nothing and also due to the numerous complains about how their data zaps.

Anyway, there’s a trick to get 3 times your data subscription on any AIRTEL data plan of your choice.

How to Get Airtel Triple Data

The AIRTEL triple data offer has a validity of 30 days and more, depending on the data plan you purchased.

At least this should go a long way to counter the rate at which their data subscription zaps.

  • Buy a new AIRTEL Sim or you can use an old sim which is less than 3 months.
  • All new Airtel sim comes with SmartCONNECT 6.0, as their default tariff plan which offers 100% data bonus or a triple INSTANT bonus on every data plan purchase and 8x bonus on every recharge.
  • First, recharge your sim with any amount to activate it for this trick
  • Now, go straight to your messaging app send “GET” to “141” You will get an SMS with the below message

Dear Customer, Congratulations! You can now enjoy 100% DATA BONUS ANYTIME EVERYDAY FOR THE NEXT 3 MONTHS

  • Now locate your messaging app but this time, send “MIFI” to “141”
  • If you wish to subscribe for a monthly plan let’s say 1.5GB which goes for N1,000. recharge your Sim with N1,000 and subscribe the normal way you usually subscribe.

If you have followed this procedure accordingly you will get 3 times your data plan.
You can Dial *140# to check your data balance.

The New Airtel Premium Offer

The Airtel Premium package offers

  • 4GB for N1000 ( 30 days Validity)
  • 2GB for N500 (14 days validity)
  • 1GB for N200 (7 Days validity )

Simply Dial *141*241# to buy your desired plan.

For Heavy Data Users and Streamers

You should consider the below Data packages

Smile Unlimited Lite goes for N10,000 (30 Days Validity)

Spectranet 25GB for N10,000 Naira

This plan is usually valid for 30 days and you can make use of this data bundle at anytime of the day.

You also get 25GB for N10,000 Naira and a free unlimited night browsing.

You can recharge online for any of the above plan you choose.

This is how far i can go on the cheapest data subscription plan in Nigeria series, Let me know in the comment box what you think and if i missed any cheap data subscription that you are currently using, feel free to let me know in the comment box below

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