By the end of today’s article, you will be educated on how to get rid of a computer virus infection. Basically, our focus for the week has been on computer virus infection. For you to really understand this particular article, you will need to read the previous ones. Click on any of the link below to go through our previous posts.
- What is Computer Virus: In depth Knowledge
- Types of Computer Virus : In depth Knowledge
- 7 signs to know your Computer has been infected by Virus
This topic is mostly for those who have already been struck by a virus attack, although there is no knowledge that is ever lost. So even if your computer has not been infected by a virus attack, it would not hurt to know how to get rid of a computer virus infection.
Steps to get rid of a computer Virus infection.
When it comes to the topic Computer virus, the next thing that comes to mind is Antivirus but nevertheless we will get to that.
1. Know that you have been infected: Imagine treating an infection you have absolutely no idea of, or trying to treat headache when it’s malaria that is really the issue. All effort you will be taking to get a cure will be a waste of time. So definitely put first things first, know and understand that you are facing an attack and if possible know what type of virus attack it could be.
2. Delete Temporal files: Your Computers slow response(lagging) maybe be as a result of too much overloading of junk files in your hard disk drive. You can take care of this issue by simply downloading and running a disk clean up program such as Ccleaner, Advance system care, etc
Launch the program and allow it to scan your computer, mark the files which you no longer need and click on clean up or delete as the case maybe. If you are not clear with the above steps, here’s a recommendable procedure to clean up your hard disk.
- locate your windows button and search for “disk clean up”
- Allow this program to run and it will calculate how much memory space you can free up.
- Now click on OK to begin cleaning, you can also perform a deep scan depending on the state your PC might be.
That’s it, your computer must have gained a little bit of speed and this will also speed up any virus scanning process if you intend scanning with an antivirus.
3. Delete or Uninstall infected Software: Some Computer Virus can be deleted very easily especially if they are detected on time and there has not been any space of time for the virus to replicate itself. Only perform this action if this software or program is easily replaceable and if it does not store up certain important files, because you can loose these important files when you delete or uninstall the program.
4. Run a Virus Scanner: There are basically two types of Computer Virus scanners, there is a real time scanner and also the on demand scanner.
- Real time scanner: These are Virus scanners that run in the background while you are using your computer.
Examples of Real time scanners are the antivirus programs you already know such as The bit defender, Avast antivirus, AVG, Kaspersky etc - On Demand scanners: These are operating system virus scanners that scan your computer for abnormalities. They need to be launched manually each time you want to scan your computer. The major difference between the Real time scanners and the on demand scanner is that, the On demand Virus scanner needs to launched manually whereas the Real time scanners are automatically launched as soon as you boot your Computer.
Example of this on demand scanners is the Microsoft safely scanner.
The best and recommended way to get rid of computer viruses is by following the above steps. After installation of a Virus scanner, launch and run the on demand scanner, followed by the real time computer virus scanner. Make sure to perform a full virus scan from time to time.
In summary, your computer should be free from any virus infection following the above guide. Keep in mind that some popular antivirus softwares might not always be efficient, some antivirus perform the opposite of what their name implies. Always remember to keep updating your antivirus, so that it can always be able to combat the new and ever evolving types of Computer viruses.
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